Newsletter Archive

This archive is a list of images. So, any URL in an image of a newsletter will not link to its website. Instead, each URL’s live link can be found, in the order it appears in the newsletter, immediately above the corresponding issue.


November, 2024. Volume 1, Issue No. 4.;; suing AI startup Perplexity; entertainment companies are abandoning LGBTQ+ content; Scrivener; New Evidence: Was Thomas Weston, 17th Century London Merchant, Among the First to Sail Fish to Virginia’s Starving Colonists?; Global Maritime History; Sodomy, Justic, and Folk Heroes: Richard Cornish ‘…was put to death wrongfully’; Manuscript Wish List; Manuscript Academy; Query Tracker; Literary Marketplace; Publishers Marketplace;

October 2024. Volume 1, Issue No. 3. Scrivener; September 2024 U.S. Rear Admiral…; Organized Village of Kake; The Shelling of Alaskan Native American Village of Angoon…;;;;;

September 2024. Volume 1, Issue No. 2.; Banned Books Week 2024; Scrivener; ‘Alaska Ice Inc.’; Lewis & Dryden’s Marine History of the Pacific Northwest; Report on the population, industries, and resources of Alaska; National Novel Writing Month; Beginning in 2022, continued in 2023; and again, this month

August 2024. Volume 1, Issue No. 1.; Scribophile; University of Chicago Slavic, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies; NARA Russian American Company Logs of Company Ships 1850-1867; MIT Technology Review ‘What Is AI’ by Will Douglas Heaven