About Arlene

Arlene Spencer
Arlene Spencer

Arlene is a Staff Writer for Global Maritime History: a professional publication founded in 2013 by University of Oxford Bodleian Library Manager, Naval Historian, and Art Historian, Dr. Justin Reay with Dr. Samuel McLean, graduate of the Department of War Studies, King’s College of London; and Master mariner; who is also a Councillor in the Canadian Nautical Research Society.

From 2020 to 2021 Arlene was a regular contributor to the Grand Coulee (Central Washington State) history publication, Them Dam Writers. Them Dam Writers was launched in 1985 to ensure that Grand Coulee’s history continues to be discovered and shared.

Arlene has researched and written about non-fiction history, full time, since 2010.

In 1992 Arlene earned her Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and minored in Environmental Science at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington. In 1998, she returned to CWU, and completed the two years of the Resource Management Masters of Science program, in Cultural Resource Management, focused on Historic Preservation. Today, not holding an advanced degree, Arlene is ‘hashtag AltAc’*, as she is an independent professional historical non-fiction researcher and writer.

*’Alt-Ac’ is used, here, as defined by Fuscione and Kelly¹.

¹Fuscione and Joseph Kelly. “Introduction.” Succeeding Outside the Academy. 2018. Edited by, Joseph Fruscione and Kelly J. Baker, 1-7. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press.